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Kamis, 26 November 2009

Photos on Facebook belongs to whom?

February this year, facebook issued a controversy. One point in terms of Service (TOS), more specifically at the content and share information, be modified without notice to users.

In fact, before to any modification that has brought TOS polemic. TOS on the content and share that information mentions that Facebook reserves the right to use content and information (including images, videos and articles) made by the user for any purpose without needing further permission. Then there was more information. Rights did not apply again if users delete the content and information.

On February 4, without notice to users, Facebook modified the TOS. Part of the information is deleted and replaced with the word "forever". This means that Facebook may use the content and information content and information even though it was removed. In fact, although the account has been deleted facebook still allowed to use the content.

The reason Facebook is changing the TOS for the sake of consistency. Such as written on Jonathan Bailey's article in today Plagiarims on 17 February. Facebook says, content such as messages and comments could not be lost if someone deleted from Facebook content. For the sake of consistency, it also applied to content and information.

Changes in the new TOS that surfaced after a Blogger named Chris Walters saw the TOS on 15 February. As if Facebook users to move to resist change TOS. criticism flowing. Then, to reduce the torrent of criticism, Facebook revise the TOS. Facebook TOS to restore the original date of 17 February.

With TOS like that, who owns the content on facebook? Who have an account? Facebook? Jonathan explained to her writing, "When you make something, you will hold the copyright".

Then he also explained, "When you're agreeing to a TOS, you give license to something you make it".

Jonathan argues differences and copyright licensing is less clear. But, he asserted "Giving license does NOT mean giving copyright"

In the case of Facebook, he wrote, Facebook does not own the copyright. "You still can enter your work on another website. You can also sell your work. But, you can not send Facebook to court when they use your work, "said Jonathan. According to him, the copyright is still held by the creator's work. Only, Facebook may use the work for facebook without permission.

Finally, Jonathan suggested to all the readers to really Noting TOS a service.(PC+ Ind)

1 komentar:

  1. maaf kang supri, baru aku respon maklum lagi belajar. mohon bantuanya ya kang.
